Source code for histonets_cv.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base64
import collections
import gzip
import heapq
import imghdr
import json
import locale
import os
import sys
import warnings
from itertools import chain
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.request import urlopen

import click
import cv2
import networkx as nx
import noteshrink
import numpy as np
import PIL
from click.utils import get_os_args
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import floyd_warshall
from scipy.spatial.distance import sqeuclidean as squared_euclidean
from skimage import filters as skfilters
from skimage import draw
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
from sklearn.preprocessing import minmax_scale
from sklearn.utils.validation import DataConversionWarning

# Constants
RAW = 'raw'
IMAGE = 'image'

[docs]class Stream(click.ParamType): """Click option type for http/https/file inputs Based on """ name = 'stream' SUPPORTED_SCHEMES = ('http', 'https', 'file') def __init__(self, mode='r'): self.mode = mode
[docs] def convert(self, param=None, ctx=None, value=None): if not value: content = sys.stdin.readlines() else: is_compressed = value.endswith('.gz') is_binary = self.mode.endswith('b') if os.path.exists(value): local_mode = 'rb' if is_compressed else self.mode file_obj = open(value, local_mode) else: url = urlparse(value) if not url.scheme: raise click.BadParameter( 'File \'{}\' not found'.format(url)) elif url.scheme not in self.SUPPORTED_SCHEMES: raise click.BadParameter( 'Scheme \'{}\' not supported'.format(url.scheme)) else: file_obj = urlopen(value) if is_compressed: with gzip.GzipFile(mode=self.mode, fileobj=file_obj) as file: content = if not is_binary: content = local_decode(content) else: content = file_obj.close() return content
[docs]class JSONStream(Stream): """JSON Stream Click option type to handle and decode JSON input and files coming (compressed or not) from the Internet (http:// and https://) or locally (file://, absolute, or relative paths). """
[docs] def convert(self, param=None, ctx=None, value=None): try: return json.loads(value) except ValueError: content = super().convert(param=param, ctx=ctx, value=value) return json.loads(content)
[docs]class JSONNumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Enable serialization of basic Numpy arrays"""
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() elif np.issubdtype(type(obj), np.float): return float(obj) elif np.issubdtype(type(obj), np.integer): return int(obj) elif np.issubdtype(type(obj), np.bool_): return bool(obj) else: return super().default(obj)
[docs]class Choice(click.Choice): """Fix to click.Choice to be able to use integer choices"""
[docs] def get_metavar(self, param): return '[%s]' % '|'.join(str(c) for c in self.choices)
[docs]class Image(object): """Proxy class to handle image input in the commands""" __slots__ = ('image', 'format') def __init__(self, content=None, image=None): self.image = None self.format = None if isinstance(image, Image): self.image = image.image self.format = image.format elif image is not None: self.image = image elif content: image_format = imghdr.what(file='', h=content) if image_format is not None: image_array = np.frombuffer(content, np.uint8) self.image = cv2.imdecode(image_array, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) self.format = image_format if self.image is None: raise click.BadParameter('Image format not supported')
[docs] @classmethod def get_images(cls, values): """Helper to process local, remote, and base64 piped images as input, and return Image objects""" images = [] if not all(values): for value in sys.stdin.readlines(): content = base64.b64decode(local_encode(value)) images.append(cls(content)) else: for value in values: if isinstance(value, cls): image = value elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): image = cls(image=value) else: try: content = Stream(mode='rb').convert(value=value) except Exception as e: raise click.BadParameter(e) image = cls(content) images.append(image) return images
[docs]def image_as_array(f): """Decorator to handle image as Image and as numpy array""" def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): image = kwargs.get('image', None) or (args and args[0]) if isinstance(image, Image): if 'image' in kwargs: kwargs['image'] = image.image else: args = list(args) args[0] = image.image args = tuple(args) return f(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__ wrapper.__doc__ = f.__doc__ return wrapper
[docs]def output_as_mask(f): """Decorator to add a return_mask option when image and mask are being returned""" def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return_mask = kwargs.pop('return_mask', False) image, mask = f(*args, **kwargs) if return_mask: return mask else: return cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=mask) wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__ wrapper.__doc__ = """{} The binary mask can also be returned instead by setting return_mask to True.""".format(f.__doc__) return wrapper
[docs]def get_images(ctx, param, value): """Callback to retrieve images by either their local path or URL""" try: return Image.get_images(value) except Exception as e: raise click.BadParameter(e)
[docs]def parse_jsons(ctx, param, value): """Callback to load a list JSON strings as objects""" try: return [json.loads(v) for v in value] except ValueError: raise click.BadParameter("Polygon JSON malformed.")
[docs]def io_handler(input=None, *args, **kwargs): """Decorator to handle the 'input' argument and the 'output' option. If input is other than 'image', it is considered to be a JSON file or URL. Defaults to 'image'.""" is_callable = callable(input) def decorator(f, *args, **kwargs): """Auxiliary decorator to allow io_handler be used with or without parameters""" def _get_image(ctx, param, value): """Helper to process only the first input image""" try: return Image.get_images([value])[0] # return only first Image except Exception as e: raise click.BadParameter(e) if not is_callable and input != 'image': input_dec = click.argument(input, required=False, callback=JSONStream()) else: input_dec = click.argument('image', required=False, callback=_get_image) @input_dec @click.option('--output', '-o', type=click.File('wb'), help='File name to save the output. For images, if ' 'the file extension is different than IMAGE, ' 'a conversion is made. When not given, standard ' 'output is used and images are serialized using ' 'Base64; and to JSON otherwise.') def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): input_param = kwargs.get(input) output_param = kwargs.pop('output', None) ctx = click.get_current_context() result = ctx.invoke(f, *args, **kwargs) if output_param == RAW: return result result_is_image = isinstance(result, np.ndarray) if result_is_image: if output_param and '.' in image_format ='.')[-1] elif getattr(input_param, 'format', None): image_format = input_param.format else: image_format = 'png' # default try: _, result = cv2.imencode(".{}".format(image_format), result) except cv2.error: raise click.BadParameter( 'Image format output not supported') elif isinstance(result, str): result = local_encode(result) else: result = local_encode(serialize_json(result)) if output_param is not None: output_param.write(result) output_param.close() else: if result_is_image: result = base64.b64encode(result) click.echo(result) # needed for click to work wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__ new_line = '' if '\b' in f.__doc__ else '\b\n\n' if not is_callable and input != 'image': wrapper.__doc__ = ( """{}{}\n - {} path to a local (file://) or """ """remote (http://, https://) JSON file representing {}.\n""" """ A JSON string can also be piped as input""".format( f.__doc__, new_line, input.upper(), input)) else: wrapper.__doc__ = ( """{}{}\n - IMAGE path to a local (file://) or """ """remote (http://, https://) image file.\n""" """ A Base64 string can also be piped as input """ """image.""".format( f.__doc__, new_line)) return wrapper if is_callable: return decorator(input) else: return decorator
[docs]def pair_options_to_argument(argument, options, args=None, args_slice=None): """Enforces pairing of options to an argument. Only commands with one argument with nargs=-1 are supported. Not paired options do still work. Options is a dictionary with the option name as key and the default value as value. A slice to specify where in the arguments the argument and the options are found can be used. By default it will ignore first and last. Example:: @click.command() @click.argument('arg', nargs=-1, required=True) @click.option('-o', '--option', multiple=True) @pair_options_to_argument('arg', {'option': 0}) def command(arg, option): pass """ pairings = list(options.values()) args_slice = args_slice or (1, -1) _args = args def func(f): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ctx = click.get_current_context() append = '' os_args = [] for os_arg in (_args or get_os_args())[slice(*args_slice)]: if os_arg.startswith('-'): append = os_arg else: os_args.append(("{}\b".format(append), os_arg)) append = '' params = {} defaults = {} for param in ctx.command.get_params(ctx): if in options.keys(): params[] = param.opts defaults[] = param.default _kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in pairings} _params = {k: {} for k, v in params.items()} if pairings and os_args: index = 0 for prefix, _ in os_args: if prefix.startswith('\b'): index += 1 else: for name, opts in params.items(): if any(prefix.startswith(opt) for opt in opts): kw_arg_index = len(_params[name]) kw_arg = kwargs[name][kw_arg_index] _params[name][index - 1] = kw_arg for name, opts in _params.items(): default = defaults[name] or options[name] _list = [default] * len(kwargs[argument]) for k, v in opts.items(): _list[k] = v _kwargs[name] = tuple(_list) kwargs.update(_kwargs) if all(len(kwargs[opt]) == 0 for opt in options): for name, opts in _params.items(): default = defaults[name] or options[name] _list = [default] * len(kwargs[argument]) for k, v in opts.items(): _list[k] = v _kwargs[name] = tuple(_list) kwargs.update(_kwargs) return f(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__ wrapper.__doc__ = f.__doc__ return wrapper return func
[docs]def local_encode(value): """Encode a string to bytes by using the system preferred encoding. Defaults to utf8 otherwise.""" encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding(False) try: return value.encode(encoding) except LookupError: return value.encode('utf8', errors='replace')
[docs]def local_decode(value): """Decode bytes into a string by using the system preferred encoding. Defaults to utf8 otherwise.""" encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding(False) try: return value.decode(encoding) except LookupError: return value.decode('utf8', errors='replace')
[docs]def parse_pipeline_json(ctx, param, value): """Parse the actions JSON used mainly in the pipeline command""" try: obj = json.loads(value) except Exception: raise click.BadParameter('Malformed JSON') if (not isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)) or not all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, dict), obj))): raise click.BadParameter('Malformed JSON') for action in obj: if 'action' not in action: raise click.BadParameter('Missing key for action') return obj
[docs]@image_as_array def get_color_histogram(image): """Calculate the color histogram of image (colors and their counts)""" colors = np.reshape(image, ([:2]), 3)).tolist() return collections.Counter([tuple(color) for color in colors])
[docs]@image_as_array def get_palette(pixel_colors, n_colors, background_value=25, background_saturation=20, method=None): """Calculate a palette of n_colors from RGB values from an array of colors. Parameters background_value and background_saturation are ignored for methods other than 'auto'. When method='auto', the first palette entry is always the background color; the rest are determined from foreground pixels by running K-Means clustering. Returns the palette.""" if method is None: method = 'auto' if method == 'auto': options = collections.namedtuple( 'options', ['quiet', 'value_threshold', 'sat_threshold'] )( quiet=True, value_threshold=background_value / 100.0, sat_threshold=background_saturation / 100.0, ) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) # 8 bits per channel avoid quantization artifacts, # such as converting [255, 255, 255] to [254, 254, 254] bg_color = noteshrink.get_bg_color(pixel_colors, bits_per_channel=8) fg_mask = noteshrink.get_fg_mask(bg_color, pixel_colors, options) if fg_mask.any(): masked_image = pixel_colors[fg_mask] else: masked_image = pixel_colors distinct_colors = len(np.unique(pixel_colors)) centers, _ = kmeans(masked_image, min(distinct_colors, n_colors) - 1) # We need to guarantee that the first color returned is bg_color # and that colors are all unique bg_color = np.array(bg_color, dtype=np.uint8) palette = np.unique(centers.astype(np.uint8), axis=0).astype(np.uint8) palette = palette[np.all(palette - bg_color, axis=1)] return np.vstack((bg_color, palette)) else: if method == 'kmeans': palette, _ = kmeans(pixel_colors, n_colors) else: img = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.array([pixel_colors])[:, :, ::-1], mode='RGB') quant = img.quantize(colors=n_colors, method=get_quantize_method(method)) quant_palette = quant.getpalette()[:3 * n_colors] palette = np.array(quant_palette).reshape((n_colors, 3)) return unique(palette, axis=0).astype(np.uint8)
[docs]def get_quantize_method(method): """Transform a string ('median', 'octree', 'linear', 'max') to the corresponding PIL quantize method constant""" if method == 'median': return PIL.Image.MEDIANCUT elif method == 'octree': return PIL.Image.FASTOCTREE else: # method in ('linear', 'max', 'maxcoverage'): return PIL.Image.MAXCOVERAGE
[docs]def unique(array, axis=None): """Like np.unique but preserving order of first apparition""" uniques, indices = np.unique(array, axis=axis, return_index=True) return uniques[np.argsort(indices)]
[docs]def kmeans(X, n_clusters, **kwargs): """Classify vectors in X using K-Means algorithm with n_clusters. Arguments in kwargs are passed to scikit-learn MiniBatchKMeans. Returns a tuple of cluster centers and predicted labels.""" clf = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, **kwargs) labels = clf.fit_predict(X) centers = clf.cluster_centers_.astype(np.ubyte) return centers, labels
[docs]def get_mask_polygons(polygons, height, width): """Turn a list of polygons into a mask image of height by width. Each polygon is expressed as a list of [x, y] points.""" mask = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.ubyte) cv2.fillPoly(mask, np.int32(polygons), color=255) return mask
[docs]@image_as_array def match_template_mask(image, template, mask=None, method=None, sigma=0.33): """Match template against image applying mask to template using method. Method can be either of (None, 'laplacian', 'sobel', 'scharr', 'prewitt', 'roberts', 'canny'). Returns locations to look for max values.""" if mask is not None: if method: kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) mask = cv2.erode(mask, kernel) if method == 'laplacian': # use CV_64F to not loose edges, convert to uint8 afterwards edge_image = np.uint8(np.absolute( cv2.Laplacian(image, cv2.CV_64F))) edge_template = np.uint8(np.absolute( cv2.Laplacian(template, cv2.CV_64F) )) elif method in ('sobel', 'scharr', 'prewitt', 'roberts'): filter_func = getattr(skfilters, method) edge_image = filter_func(image) edge_template = filter_func(template) edge_image = convert(edge_image) edge_template = convert(edge_template) else: # method == 'canny' values = np.hstack([image.ravel(), template.ravel()]) median = np.median(values) lower = int(max(0, (1.0 - sigma) * median)) upper = int(min(255, (1.0 + sigma) * median)) edge_image = cv2.Canny(image, lower, upper) edge_template = cv2.Canny(template, lower, upper) results = cv2.matchTemplate(edge_image, edge_template & mask, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) else: results = cv2.matchTemplate(image, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED, mask) else: results = cv2.matchTemplate(image, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) return results
[docs]def parse_colors(ctx, param, value): """Callback to parse color values from a JSON list or hexadecimal string to a RGB tuple. """ colors = [] for color in value: if isinstance(color, (list, tuple)): r, g, b = color elif color.startswith('#'): hex_color = color[1:] hex_color_len = len(hex_color) r, g, b = None, None, None try: if hex_color_len == 3: r, g, b = [int(''.join([l] * 2), 16) for l in hex_color] elif hex_color_len == 6: r, g, b = list(map(lambda x: int(''.join(x), 16), zip(*[iter(hex_color)] * 2))) except ValueError: raise click.BadParameter( "Malformed hex color: {}".format(color)) else: try: r, g, b = json.loads(color) except ValueError: raise click.BadParameter( "Malformed JSON or hexadecimal string: {}".format(color)) if all(isinstance(c, int) and 0 <= c <= 255 for c in (r, g, b)): colors.append((r, g, b)) else: raise click.BadParameter( "Invalid color value: {}".format(color)) return colors
[docs]def parse_palette(ctx, param, value): """Callback to turn a JSON representing a palette of colors in hexadecimal or by its RGB components, into a list of all RGB components""" if value: try: colors = parse_colors(ctx, param, json.loads(value)) return np.array(colors, np.uint8) except ValueError: raise click.BadParameter( "Malformed JSON palette: {}".format(value))
[docs]def convert(image): """Convert a scikit-image binary image matrix to OpenCV""" with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DataConversionWarning) return minmax_scale(image, (0, 255)).astype(np.ubyte)
[docs]def parse_histogram(histogram): """Parse a dictionary or JSON string representing a histogram of colors by parsing the keys that codify colors into lists of RGB components and the values to integer numbers""" if not isinstance(histogram, dict): histogram = json.loads(histogram) try: return {parse_colors(None, None, [k])[0]: int(v) for k, v in histogram.items()} except ValueError as e: raise click.BadParameter("Malformed histogram: {}".format(e))
[docs]def sample_histogram(histogram, sample_fraction=0.05): """Sample a sample_fraction of colors from histogram""" colors = np.fromiter(histogram.keys(), dtype='i8,i8,i8', count=-1) counts = np.fromiter(histogram.values(), dtype=np.float32, count=-1) size = counts.sum() samples = (k * v for k, v in histogram.items()) if sample_fraction: # do not sample more than a 100 million pixels fraction = int(min(size * min(sample_fraction, 1.0), 1e8)) if fraction: weights = counts / size samples = np.random.choice(colors, size=fraction, p=weights) unraveled = np.fromiter(chain.from_iterable(samples), np.uint8, count=-1) return unraveled.reshape(-1, 3)
[docs]def serialize_json(obj): """Serializes object, containing Numpy basic arrays and types, to JSON""" return json.dumps(obj, cls=JSONNumpyEncoder)
[docs]def grid_to_adjacency_matrix(grid, neighborhood=8): """Convert a boolean grid where 0's express holes and 1's connected pixel into a sparse adjacency matrix representing the grid-graph. Neighborhood for each pixel is calculated from its 4 or 8 more immediate surrounding neighbors (defaults to 8).""" coords = np.argwhere(grid) coords_x = coords[:, 0] coords_y = coords[:, 1] # lil is the most performance format to build a sparse matrix iteratively matrix = sparse.lil_matrix((0, coords.shape[0]), dtype=np.uint8) if neighborhood == 4: for px, py in coords: row = (((px == coords_x) & (np.abs(py - coords_y) == 1)) | ((np.abs(px - coords_x) == 1) & (py == coords_y))) matrix = sparse.vstack([matrix, row]) else: for px, py in coords: row = (np.abs(px - coords_x) <= 1) & (np.abs(py - coords_y) <= 1) matrix = sparse.vstack([matrix, row]) matrix.setdiag(1) # Once built, we convert it to compressed sparse columns or rows return matrix.tocsc() # or .tocsr()
[docs]def argfirst2D(arr, item): """Return the index of the first element of the 2D array arr matching the row item, or None if not found.""" try: return np.where((arr == item).all(axis=1))[0][0] except IndexError: return None
[docs]def get_shortest_paths(grid, look_for): """Traverse the grid, where 0's represent holes and 1's paths, and return the paths to get from sources to targets, expressed in look_for in the form of ((start1, end1), (start2, end2)), where each 'start' and 'end' are coordinates of the grid in the form [x, y] pairs. It uses the Floyd-Warshall algorithm to find first all shortest paths and then returns only those in look_for""" # Adapted from # coords = np.argwhere(grid) matrix = grid_to_adjacency_matrix(grid) _, predecessors = floyd_warshall( matrix, unweighted=True, return_predecessors=True ) # Distance of path is always len(path) - 1 since the graph is unweighted paths = [] for start_end_centers in look_for: start_center, end_center = sorted(start_end_centers) # Numpy array indices are [row, column] not [x, y] start = argfirst2D(coords, start_center[::-1]) end = argfirst2D(coords, end_center[::-1]) path = [] if (start and end) is not None and predecessors[start, end] >= 0: path, step = [end], None while step != start: step = predecessors[start, path[-1]] path.append(step) path.reverse() # Get the coordinates for each step in path paths.append([(coords[step][1], coords[step][0]) for step in path]) return paths
[docs]def get_shortest_paths_astar(grid, look_for): """Traverse the grid, where 0's represent holes and 1's paths, and return the paths to get from sources to targets, expressed in look_for in the form of ((start1, end1), (start2, end2)), where each 'start' and 'end' are coordinates of the grid in the form [x, y] pairs. It uses the A* algorithm and it only computes the paths in the look_for.""" paths = [] for start_end_centers in look_for: start_center, end_center = sorted(start_end_centers) # Numpy array indices are [row, column] not [x, y] start = start_center[::-1] end = end_center[::-1] predecessors = astar(grid, start, end) step = end path = [step] while step in predecessors: step = predecessors[step] path.append(step) path.reverse() paths.append([step[::-1] for step in path]) return paths
[docs]def get_inner_paths(grid, regions): """Create 1 pixel width paths connecting the loose ends surrounding the regions to their center. Each region is defined by its top-left and bottom-right corners points expressed in [x, y] coordinates. Grid must be a black and white image""" color = 255 # white height, width = grid.shape inner_paths = sparse.lil_matrix(grid.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for (cx1, cy1), (cx2, cy2) in regions: center = (cx1 + cx2) // 2, (cy1 + cy2) // 2 cx1_min = max(cx1 - 1, 0) cy1_min = max(cy1 - 1, 0) cx2_max = min(cx2 + 1, width - 1) cy2_max = min(cy2 + 1, height - 1) borders = ( # border, border_x, border_y, border_horizontal (grid[cy1_min, cx1_min:cx2_max], cx1_min, cy1, True), # top (grid[cy2_max, cx1_min:cx2_max], cx1_min, cy2, True), # bottom (grid[cy1_min:cy2_max, cx1_min], cx1, cy1_min, False), # left (grid[cy1_min:cy2_max, cx2_max], cx2, cy1_min, False), # right ) for border, border_x, border_y, border_horizontal in borders: for border_step in np.argwhere(border).ravel(): if border_horizontal: point = border_x + border_step, border_y else: point = border_x, border_y + border_step line = draw.line(point[1], point[0], center[1], center[0]) inner_paths[line] = color return inner_paths.tocsc()
[docs]def edges_to_graph(edges, fmt=None): """Build a graph based on a list of edges and serialize it to format. Each edge is a dictionary with at least keys defined for source_key and target_key, expressing the source and the target of the edge, respectively. The graph is built and serialized using NetworkX, therefore only a subset of its formats are available: 'edgelist', 'gexf', 'gml', 'graphml', 'nodelink'. See for more information.""" if fmt not in ('edgelist', 'gexf', 'gml', 'graphml', 'nodelink'): fmt = 'graphml' graph = nx.Graph() for edge in edges: source_id = "{},{}".format(*edge['source_center']) source_attrs = { 'x': int(edge['source_center'][0]), 'y': int(edge['source_center'][1]), 'bbox': serialize_json(edge['source']) } graph.add_node(source_id, **source_attrs) target_id = "{},{}".format(*edge['target_center']) target_attrs = { 'x': int(edge['target_center'][0]), 'y': int(edge['target_center'][1]), 'bbox': serialize_json(edge['target']) } graph.add_node(target_id, **target_attrs) # gml format only supports alphanumeric characters as keys edge_attrs = { 'path': serialize_json(edge['path']), 'simplifiedpath': serialize_json(edge['simplified_path']), 'length': int(edge['length']) } graph.add_edge(source_id, target_id, **edge_attrs) if fmt != 'nodelink': generate_func = getattr(nx, "generate_{}".format(fmt)) return '\n'.join(generate_func(graph)) else: return json_graph.node_link_data(graph)
[docs]def astar(grid, start, end): """Run A* algorithm from start to end to find a path in grid. It uses squared Euclidean distance as the distance method and the cost estimate heuristic, and it uses the Von Neumann method to assess the 8-neighbors. Returns a predecessors dictionary from which a path can be built.""" dist_between = squared_euclidean heuristic_cost_estimate = squared_euclidean g_score = {start: 0} f_score = {start: g_score[start] + heuristic_cost_estimate(start, end)} openheap = [(f_score[start], start)] openset = {start} closedset = set() predecessors = {} while openset: _, current = heapq.heappop(openheap) openset.remove(current) if current == end: return predecessors closedset.add(current) x, y = current height, width = grid.shape # 8-neighbors neighbors_8 = ( (x - 1, y - 1), (x - 1, y), (x - 1, y + 1), (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y - 1), (x + 1, y), (x + 1, y + 1), ) neighbors = [ (px, py) for px, py in neighbors_8 if (height > px >= 0) and (width > py >= 0) and grid[px, py] > 0 ] for neighbor in neighbors: tentative_g_score = ( g_score[current] + dist_between(current, neighbor) ) if (neighbor in closedset and tentative_g_score >= g_score[neighbor]): continue if (neighbor not in openset or tentative_g_score < g_score[neighbor]): predecessors[neighbor] = current g_score[neighbor] = tentative_g_score f_score[neighbor] = ( g_score[neighbor] + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbor, end) ) if neighbor not in openset: heapq.heappush(openheap, (f_score[neighbor], neighbor)) openset.add(neighbor) return {}