Source code for histonets_cv.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple

import cv2
import noteshrink
import numpy as np
import PIL
from imutils import object_detection
from itertools import combinations
from simplification.cutil import simplify_coords, simplify_coords_vw
from skimage import exposure
from skimage import feature
from skimage import morphology
from skimage import filters
from skimage.util import invert as invert_image
from sklearn import preprocessing

from .utils import (

def adjust_contrast(image, contrast):
    if (contrast < 0):
        contrast = 0
    elif (contrast > 200):
        contrast = 200
    contrast = contrast / 100
    img = image.astype(np.float) * contrast
    img[img > 255] = 255
    img[img < 0] = 0
    return img.astype(np.ubyte)

def adjust_brightness(image, brightness):
    if (brightness < 0):
        brightness = 0
    elif (brightness > 200):
        brightness = 200
    brightness = (((brightness) * (510)) / 200) - 255
    img = image.astype(np.float) + brightness
    img[img > 255] = 255
    img[img < 0] = 0
    return img.astype(np.ubyte)

def smooth_image(image, kernel):
    if (kernel < 0):
        kernel = 0
    elif (kernel > 100):
        kernel = 100
    return cv2.bilateralFilter(image, kernel, kernel, kernel)

def histogram_equalization(image, tile):
    if (tile < 0):
        tile = 0
    elif (tile > 100):
        tile = 100
    tile = int(tile / 10)
    img_yuv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YCrCb)
    clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=1.0, tileGridSize=(2 ** tile, 2 ** tile))
    img_yuv[:, :, 0] = clahe.apply(img_yuv[:, :, 0])
    img_out = cv2.cvtColor(img_yuv, cv2.COLOR_YCrCb2BGR)
    img = exposure.rescale_intensity(img_out)
    return img

def denoise_image(image, value):
    if (value < 0):
        value = 0
    elif (value > 100):
        value = 100
    return cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(image, None, value, value)

def color_reduction(image, n_colors, method='kmeans', palette=None):
    """Reduce the number of colors in image to n_colors using method"""
    method = method.lower()
    if method not in ('kmeans', 'linear', 'max', 'median', 'octree'):
        method = 'kmeans'
    if n_colors < 2:
        n_colors = 2
    elif n_colors > 128:
        n_colors = 128
    if method == 'kmeans':
        n_clusters = n_colors
        h, w = image.shape[:2]
        img = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB)
        img = img.reshape((-1, 3))  # -1 -> img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]
        centers, labels = kmeans(img, n_clusters)
        if palette is not None:
            # palette comes in RGB
            centers = cv2.cvtColor(np.array([palette]), cv2.COLOR_RGB2LAB)[0]
        quant = centers[labels].reshape((h, w, 3))
        output = cv2.cvtColor(quant, cv2.COLOR_LAB2BGR)
        img = PIL.Image.fromarray(image[:, :, ::-1], mode='RGB')
        quant = img.quantize(colors=n_colors,
        if palette is not None:
            palette = np.array(palette, dtype=np.uint8)
        output = np.array(quant.convert('RGB'), dtype=np.uint8)[:, :, ::-1]
    return output

def auto_clean(image, background_value=25, background_saturation=20,
               colors=8, sample_fraction=5, white_background=False,
               saturate=True, palette=None):
    """Clean image with minimal input required. Based on the work by
    Matt Zucker:"""
    if background_value < 1:
        background_value = 1
    elif background_value > 100:
        background_value = 100
    if background_saturation < 1:
        background_saturation = 1
    elif background_saturation > 100:
        background_saturation = 100
    if sample_fraction < 1:
        sample_fraction = 1
    elif sample_fraction > 100:
        sample_fraction = 100
    if colors < 2:
        colors = 2
    elif colors > 128:
        colors = 128
    Options = namedtuple(
        ['quiet', 'sample_fraction', 'value_threshold', 'sat_threshold']
    options = Options(
        sample_fraction=sample_fraction / 100.0,
        value_threshold=background_value / 100.0,
        sat_threshold=background_saturation / 100.0,
    rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    if palette is None:
        samples = noteshrink.sample_pixels(rgb_image, options)
        palette = get_palette(samples, colors, background_value,
    labels = noteshrink.apply_palette(rgb_image, palette, options)
    if saturate:
        palette = palette.astype(np.float32)
        pmin = palette.min()
        pmax = palette.max()
        palette = 255 * (palette - pmin) / ((pmax - pmin) or 1)
        palette = palette.astype(np.uint8)
    if white_background:
        palette = palette.copy()
        palette[0] = (255, 255, 255)
    return palette[labels][:, :, ::-1]  # swap R and G channels

def match_templates(image, templates, overlap=0.15):
    """Look for templates in image and return the matches.

    Each entry in the templates list is a dictionary with keys 'image',
    'threshold', 'flip', 'mask' and its matching
    'method' (None, 'laplacian', 'canny')."""
    default_threshold = 80
    gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    rectangles = np.empty([0, 2, 2], dtype=int)
    for template in templates:
        threshold = template.get('threshold', default_threshold)
        if threshold > 100:
            threshold = 100
        elif threshold < 0:
            threshold = 0
        threshold /= 100.0
        template_image = template.get('image')
        template_flip = template.get('flip')
        template_mask = template.get('mask')
        template_method = template.get('method', 'canny')  # defaults to canny
        gray_template = cv2.cvtColor(template_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        transformations = [lambda im: im]
        if template_flip:
            if template_flip[0] in ('h', 'a'):
                transformations.append(lambda im: cv2.flip(im, 1))
            if template_flip[0] in ('v', 'a'):
                transformations.append(lambda im: cv2.flip(im, 0))
            if template_flip[0] in ('b', 'a'):
                transformations.append(lambda im: cv2.flip(cv2.flip(im, 1), 0))
        for transformation in transformations:
            transformed_template = transformation(gray_template)
            height, width = transformed_template.shape
            if template_mask is not None:
                transformed_mask = transformation(template_mask)
                transformed_mask = None
            results = match_template_mask(gray_image, transformed_template,
                                          transformed_mask, template_method)
            index = results >= threshold
            y1, x1 = np.where(index)
            y2, x2 = y1 + height, x1 + width
            coords = np.array([x1, y1, x2, y2], dtype=int).T
            probs = results[index]
            boxes = np.array(
                object_detection.non_max_suppression(coords, probs, overlap)
            xyboxes = boxes.reshape(boxes.shape[0], 2, 2)  # list of x,y points
            rectangles = np.vstack([rectangles, xyboxes])
    return rectangles.astype(int)

def color_mask(image, color, tolerance=0):
    """Extract a mask of image according to color under a certain
    tolerance level (defaults to 0)."""
    if tolerance > 100:
        tolerance = 100
    elif tolerance < 0:
        tolerance = 0
    tolerance = int(tolerance * 255 / 100)
    red, green, blue = color
    bgr_color = np.uint8([[[blue, green, red]]])
    hsv_color = cv2.cvtColor(bgr_color, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)[0][0]
    mask_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
    lower_range = hsv_color - np.array([tolerance, 0, 0])
    lower_range[lower_range > 255] = 255
    lower_range[lower_range < 0] = 0
    upper_range = hsv_color + np.array([tolerance, 0, 0])
    upper_range[upper_range > 255] = 255
    upper_range[upper_range < 0] = 0
    mask = cv2.inRange(mask_image, lower_range, upper_range)
    return mask

def select_colors(image, colors, return_mask=False):
    """Apply several masks to image, each for a color and tolerance, returning
    the result.

    Each entry in colors is a tuple with an RGB tuple representing the color
    and a value for the tolerance from 0 to 100: ((123, 45, 98), 10)."""
    mask = False
    for color, tolerance in colors:
        mask |= color_mask(image, color, tolerance)
    return image, mask

def remove_ridges(image, width=6, threshold=160, dilation=1,
    """Detect ridges of width pixels using the highest eigenvector of the
    Hessian matrix, then create a binarized mask with threshold and remove
    it from image (set to black). Default values are optimized for text
    detection and removal.

    A dilation radius in pixels can be passed in to thicken the mask prior
    to being applied."""
    gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    # The value of sigma is calculated according to Steger's work:
    # An Unbiased Detector of Curvilinear Structures,
    # IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
    # Vol. 20, No. 2, Feb 1998
    sigma = (width / 2) / np.sqrt(3)
    hxx, hxy, hyy = feature.hessian_matrix(gray_image, sigma=sigma, order='xy')
    large_eigenvalues, _ = feature.hessian_matrix_eigvals(hxx, hxy, hyy)
    mask = convert(large_eigenvalues)
    mask = binarize_image(mask, method='boolean', threshold=threshold)
    if dilation:
        dilation = (2 * dilation) + 1
        dilation_kernel = np.ones((dilation, dilation), np.uint8)
        mask = cv2.dilate(mask, dilation_kernel)
    return image, 255 - mask

def remove_blobs(image, min_area=0, max_area=sys.maxsize, threshold=128,
                 method='8-connected', return_mask=False):
    """Binarize image using threshold, and remove (turn into black)
    blobs of connected pixels of white of size bigger or equal than
    min_area but smaller or equal than max_area from the original image,
    returning it afterward."""
    method = method.lower()
    if method == '4-connected':
        method = cv2.LINE_4
    elif method in ('16-connected', 'antialiased'):
        method = cv2.LINE_AA
    else:  # 8-connected
        method = cv2.LINE_8
    mono_image = binarize_image(image, method='boolean', threshold=threshold)
    _, all_contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mono_image, cv2.RETR_LIST,
    contours = np.array([contour for contour in all_contours
                         if min_area <= cv2.contourArea(contour) <= max_area])
    mask = np.ones(mono_image.shape, np.uint8)
    cv2.drawContours(mask, contours, -1, 0, -1, lineType=method)
    return image, 255 * mask

def binarize_image(image, method='li', **kwargs):
    """Binarize image using one of the available methods: 'isodata',
    'li', 'otsu', 'sauvola', and 'boolean'. Defaults to 'li'.
    Extra keyword arguments are passed in as is to the corresponding
    scikit-image thresholding function. The 'boolean' method refers to simple
    thresholding from a grey-scale image. If a 'threshold' kwarg is not passed
    to the 'boolean' method, 'li' thresholding is performed.
    For reference
    Sezgin M. and Sankur B. (2004) "Survey over Image Thresholding Techniques
    and Quantitative Performance Evaluation" Journal of Electronic Imaging,
    13(1): 146-165 DOI:10.1117/1.1631315
    if image.ndim != 2:
        # image is not gray-scale
        image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    if np.unique(image).size == 2:
        # image is already binary
        return image
    boolean_threshold = kwargs.get('threshold', None)
    if method == 'boolean' and boolean_threshold:
        preprocessing.binarize(image, threshold=boolean_threshold, copy=False)
        return convert(image)
    if method not in ('sauvola', 'isodata', 'otsu', 'li'):
        method = 'li'
    thresh_func = getattr(filters.thresholding, "threshold_{}".format(method))
    threshold = thresh_func(image, **kwargs)
    # OpenCV can't write black and white images using boolean values, it needs
    # at least a 8bits 1-channel image ranged from 0 (black) to 255 (white)
    return convert(image <= threshold)

def dilate_image(image, dilation=1, passes=1, binarization=None,
    """Dilate image by morphologically thickening the white blobs using
    dilation as the kernel radius, and repeat the process passes times.
    If image is not black and white, a binarization process is applied
    according to binarization, which can be 'sauvola', 'isodata', 'otsu',
    'li' (default, ref: binarize()).
    # if image is all one single color, return it
    if len(np.unique(image)) == 1:
        return image
    # scikit-image needs only 0's and 1's
    mono_image = binarize_image(image, method=binarization) / 255
    if invert:
        mono_image = invert_image(mono_image)
    if dilation:
        dilation = (2 * dilation) + 1
        dilation_kernel = np.ones((dilation, dilation), np.uint8)
        dilated = cv2.morphologyEx(mono_image, cv2.MORPH_DILATE,
                                   dilation_kernel, iterations=passes)
        dilated = mono_image
    return dilated.astype(np.ubyte) * 255

def skeletonize_image(image, method=None, dilation=None, binarization=None,
    """Extract a 1 pixel wide representation of image by morphologically
    thinning the white contiguous blobs (connected components).
    If image is not black and white, a binarization process is applied
    according to binarization, which can be 'sauvola', 'isodata', 'otsu',
    'li' (default, ref: binarize()).

    A process of dilation can also be applied by specifying the number
    of pixels in dilate prior to extracting the skeleton.

    The method for skeletonization can be 'medial', '3d', 'regular', or a
    'combined' version of the three. Defaults to 'regular'.
    A 'thin' operator is also available. For reference,
    # if image is all one single color, return it
    if len(np.unique(image)) == 1:
        return image
    # Dilation also binarizes the image
    mono_image = dilate_image(image, dilation=dilation, invert=invert,
                              binarization=binarization) / 255
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning)
        if method == '3d':
            skeleton = morphology.skeletonize_3d(mono_image)
        elif method == 'medial':
            skeleton = morphology.medial_axis(mono_image,
        elif method == 'thin':
            skeleton = morphology.thin(mono_image)
        elif method == 'combined':
            skeleton = (morphology.skeletonize_3d(mono_image)
                        | morphology.medial_axis(mono_image,
                        | morphology.skeletonize(mono_image))
            skeleton = morphology.skeletonize(mono_image)
    return convert(skeleton)

[docs]def histogram_image(image, method='rgb'): """Calculate the color histogram of image (colors and their counts)""" histogram = get_color_histogram(image) if method == 'hex': return {'#{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}'.format(*color): count for color, count in histogram.items()} else: return {'[{}, {}, {}]'.format(r, g, b): count for (r, g, b), count in histogram.items()}
[docs]def histogram_palette(histogram, n_colors=8, method='auto', sample_fraction=5, background_value=25, background_saturation=20): """Return a palette of at most n_colors unique colors extracted after sampling histogram by sample_fraction.""" fraction = sample_fraction and sample_fraction / 100.0 sampled_histogram = sample_histogram(histogram, sample_fraction=fraction) return get_palette( sampled_histogram, method=method, n_colors=n_colors, background_value=background_value, background_saturation=background_saturation)
@image_as_array def extract_edges(image, regions, simplification_method=None, simplification_tolerance=1.0, pathfinding_method=None): """Build a graph from edges expressed in a binary grid (0's representing holes, 1's paths), and vertices as the center of regions expressed by the the top-left corner and the down-right corner in (x, y) pixels coordinates from the grid.""" if simplification_method == 'rdp': simplify_func = simplify_coords else: simplify_func = simplify_coords_vw grid = binarize_image(image) grid |= get_inner_paths(grid, regions).toarray() centers = {((cx1 + cx2) // 2, (cy1 + cy2) // 2): ((cx1, cy1), (cx2, cy2)) for (cx1, cy1), (cx2, cy2) in regions} all_pairs = combinations(centers.keys(), 2) # no repetition, no order if pathfinding_method == 'astar': paths = get_shortest_paths_astar(grid, all_pairs) else: paths = get_shortest_paths(grid, all_pairs) edges = [] for path in paths: if path: simplified_path = np.array(simplify_func( path, simplification_tolerance ), edges.append({ 'source': centers[path[0]], 'target': centers[path[-1]], 'source_center': path[0], 'target_center': path[-1], 'path': path, 'simplified_path': simplified_path, 'length': len(path) - 1 }) return edges